About RBS
Risk-Based Solutions (RBS) CC, Reg. No., CC/2004/1305, founded in 2004, is a highly experienced and technical specialist de-risking and permitting focused local owned Namibian company, established with the objective to meet the demand and for the promotion of Local Knowledge-Based Solutions (LKBS) in Minerals Exploration & Mining, Oil & Gas Exploration & Production , Renewable and Non Energies, Water Exploration and Utilisations, Environmental Assessments & Management at strategic and project levels covering ESG, SEA, EIA, EMP, ESIA, ESMP, EMS), Automated Property Development, Logistics, Programmes and Projects Management, Training and Research support services.Since 2004, RBS has supported small, medium and large-scale investments in minerals, energy, petroleum, water, exploration and utilisations in Namibia, and for the great benefits of the current and future generations.

The KBSMM is a de-risking Knowledge Based (KB) logic framework centred on the optimum coexistence of the environment, minerals and energy sectors. To date, more 300 projects in various sectors have been successfully and proudly supported by RBS through the AI powered KBSMM de-risking KB system logic, developed by Dr Sindila Mwiya in 2003. As the leader in KB de-risking approaches, the company has been breaking new grounds in environment, minerals, oil and gas and energy coexistence sectoral focused spaces.
RBS has successfully and proudly supported the following large-scale national key ground-breaking resources related projects in Namibia:
- The first offshore oil and gas well drilling operations after independences (the Kunene -1 Well) which was drilling in 2007-2008 and RBS continued to support the last twelve (12) offshore oil and gas wells that have been drilled offshore Namibia by various major global operators such as Chariot, Repsol, Petrobras, HRT Africa, Tullow, and Shell.
- The first and successive wells that have discovered oil and gas in the Orange Basin offshore Namibia.
- The first offshore Multiclient and Proprietary (Exclusive) 2D and 3D seismic surveys operations in the Namibe, Walvis, Lüderitz and Orange Basins in the post-independent Namibia and to date RBS continue to support all the major global marine seismic operators such as PGS, TGS, CGG, Searcher, EMGS, and Eastern Echo.
- The first onshore 2D proprietary seismic survey operations in the Etosha, Nama and Kavango Basins in Namibia and RBS continue to support global operators globally such as MEL and ReconAfrica.
- The first post-independence onshore oil and gas wells drilling operations covering the Kawe, Mbambi and Makandina wells drilled in the Kavango Basin and RBS continue to support ongoing de-risking operations of the onshore basins of Namibia covering the Kavango, Etosha and Nama Basins being undertaken by multiple global operators.
- The first four (4) national grid connected 5MW Solar PV Parks in Namibia and RBS continue to support large-scale Solar PV projects in different parts of Namibia.
- The first national grid connected Wind Farm in Namibia, the 9MW Lüderitz Windfarm Facility, and RBS continue to support the proposed large-scale Windfarms projects in different parts of Namibia.
- Supported multiple first projects covering Exclusive Prospecting Licenses, Mining Licenses (MLs), Petroleum Exploration Licenses (PEL), minerals and petroleum exploration, mining, Green Hydrogen, and other large-scale industrial development projects countrywide.
- RBS will be there when one day the first offshore and onshore oil and gas production will ignite the national shared economic emancipation and greatly and positively transform the economic landscape of Namibia for the benefits of all its current and future generations.
RBS is powered by a core management team comprised Dr Sindila Mwiya (PhD, PG Cert, MPhil, BEng (Hons), Pr Eng), Dr Vita Stankevica (PhD, MSc, BSc), Ms. Emilia Sindila (BSc (Hons), MSc, UK Based PhD Research Student) and Mr Daniel Sindila (BSc (Hons), MSc, UK Based PhD Research Student).
The management team is support by local Namibian (15 Namibian Based Team), continental covering South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, and Angola, and international specialist individuals and companies in Latvia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States of America, and Canada. All our air quality modelling, underwater acoustic and Oil Spill modelling studies are supported by highly experienced international specialist companies in South Africa, UK and USA.